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Xover to SDI and become an Instructor in a world where others follow


Make the switch

Warrior Dive Adventure is pleased to offer the various International Training; SDI, TDI, and ERDI crossover programs that allows Divemasters (DM), Assistant Instructors (AI), and Instructors to become a certified dive professional within the International Training system.  


You must hold an equivalent rating with a recognized organization. Crossover candidates must provide verification they they are in active teaching status and in good standing with the orginization they are crossing over from. Please note that if a crossover candidate is not currently in active teaching status, additional requirements may apply. 


All leadership applications are subject to review and approval of International Training’s Training Department.


Cross over to ITI


The ITI Professional Familiarization Program makes it possible to complete all academic requirements for a SDI/TDI/ERDI Dive Professional.


This is the first step for an individual who is current with another recognized SCUBA certification agency to crossover to Scuba Diving International (SDI), Technical Diving International (TDI) or Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI).


You will only have to complete this familiarization once, even if you are crossing over to more than one of these agencies.




STEP ONE: Complete this self-study academic program. The program will acquaint you with the history and philosophy of International Training – the parent company of SDI, TDI and ERDI. It will also review standards and procedures, programs and products for the agency or agencies for which you may be qualifying.


STEP TWO: Gather all of the required paperwork you must submit to acquire your new professional rating(s). This paperwork will include a copy of your current required professional rating and, if required, current insurance listing SDI/TDI/ERDI as an additional insured.


STEP THREE: Finalize your rating.​ You will meet with a SDI/TDI/ERDI Instructor Trainer. During this meeting you will be able to ask any questions you may have before being assessed in a  theory and skill circuit in the pool.. The Instructor Trainer will ensure you have all required paperwork and will help you submit it to SDI/TDI/ERDI Headquarters.​


Once your paperwork is received and processed by headquarters you will receive your new SDI, TDI or ERDI Dive Professional credentials.


SDI TDI Instructor Cross Over

GST Included
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